“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.”
The vision of all Habitat for Humanity organizations around the world is “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.”
As a matter of policy, Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations do not proselytize. This means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must either adhere to or convert to a particular faith, or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Our 10 Core Values
Collaboration. Community engagement. Compassion. Enthusiasm. Innovation. Integrity. Quality. Respect. Results. Stewardship.
Only by drawing upon the unique strengths of individuals and organizations can we hope to create and sustain a vital community with a robust housing continuum.

Community Engagement
We welcome volunteers to construction sites in order to inspire an ever-growing number of people from all walks of life to become committed advocates for affordable homeownership, poverty alleviation, and neighborhood revitalization.
We’re driven by the notion of a just future for everyone. The hardships created by substandard housing and distressed neighborhoods move us to act in ways that replace judgment with compassion and despair with hope.

We passionately believe in the ability of homeownership to nurture strong families and communities. We get excited when we think about how to do our work, we’re inspired by the ideas of others, and we’re motivated by the commitment of our coworkers, partner families, donors, and stakeholders.
If we want enduring relevance in an ever-changing society, we have to appreciate the difference between stability and complacency. We prize the blend of urgency, creativity, and wisdom that’s hungry to build on proven successes through countless small changes and the occasional bold breakthrough.

We expect our work to demonstrate uncompromising quality and we expect it to be carried out by people of uncompromising integrity. Our individual and collective reputations are based on trust, and we insist on earning that trust in everything we do.
One way we demonstrate our respect for our partner families is by constructing houses of remarkable quality. Our work proves that affordable homes do not need to be cheap homes. We want to serve as catalysts for affordable, quality homeownership opportunities throughout our community.

We behave as if respect is our most mission-critical asset. On the job site, in the community, and in the office, we treat our families, volunteers, stakeholders, and coworkers the way we ourselves would like to be treated.
We’re happy when we’re getting things done. We aim for short-term accomplishments that support long-term outcomes and impact. We value mutual accountability as a tool for continuous improvement.

We’re humbled by the generosity of our donors, volunteers and other stakeholders. We do not take their support for granted. Nor do we take our environment and natural resources for granted. Doing more with less isn’t an economic tactic; it’s a fundamental guiding principle.